Client: AWN (Buchen) Funding: KFW Entwicklungsbank - PPP Fazilität
Duration: 2006-2007
Head of project: Dr.-Ing. M. Ginter (AWN) Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke, Dr.-Ing. Florian Kölsch
Partner: Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft Neckar-Odenwald, Buchen TU Braunschweig, dept. Waste Management (Prof. Fricke) IGW - Ingenieurgemeinschaft Witzenhausen (Dr. Müller) AWKD Werner & Kollegen, München (Dr. Werner) Futurecamp, München
Location: Gaobeidian, Hebei Province, PR China
 Situation: Waste management and disposal in PR China is still on a poor level (left: Gaobeidian dumpsite). Sustainable improvement lacks appropriate funding.
Aim Carbon credits are a potential cofinancing instrument. Carbon credits can be generated in CDM-projects. This requiresreorganizing the waste management of Gaobeidian. The refined waste disposal system will be mostly free of methane emissions.
Methods: Waste analysis

Establishing pilot plants for MBT (Mechanical-biological treatment)
MBT according to chimney effect method
MBT with enforced aeration
Test for segregated collection of biowaste (acquiring))

Biowaste composting
Impressions of China Wastepicker in Communism
The proud of Northern China:
  The Great Wall / New Olympic Stadium (“birds nest”)