Funding EU Commission Program: EU ASIA PROECO II
Schedule: 2006-2008
Head of project: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke (TU Braunschweig) Coordinator: Dr.-Ing. Florian Kölsch
Partner: Technical University Braunschweig, Dept. Waste Management (Prof. Fricke) BOKU Wien, Waste Management Institute (Prof. Lechner) Institut Teknologi Bandung, Dept. Env. Engineering (Prof. Damanhuri) Environmental Protection Agency of Western Java Province BPLHD NGO “Katur Nagari”
Location: Bandung Metropolitan Area, West Java, Indonesien landfill site: Leuwigajah

Idea: In February 2005, 147 people died during a landfill failure at Leuwigajah dumpsite. In its annual report in 2003, the West Java EPA stated massive obstacles in landfill operation with the risk of a failure, but without response. Major problem: The EPA lacks political impact and monitoring instruments. No self control by the operator is in place. This structural obstacle will be tackled by the innovative project of “community based monitoring”.
Aim: It is anticipated to improve the EPA´s position significantly. For this purpose, the missing self control of the operator will be substituted by a monitoring system, which is operated by the local communities settling around the site. Data transparancy on a supreme level shall put pressure on the operator to run the landfill properly and safe. Measuring data will be published on a website, daily.
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